The College Office is the nodal and pivotal administration division of the college. It consists of (i) The Account & Cash Section and (ii) The General Office Section.
The Account Section of the college is an air conditioned entity, equipped with the main server. The cash & accounting management is done through customized software of the college. Regular auditing is practiced under the guidance of eminent auditor recommended by D.P.I. E-filing of the tax return is regularly done as per Government norms and regulations.
The college also has a currency counting machine with fake note detection facility.
The General Section of the college office deals with other miscellaneous administrative duties of the college including the management of students’ related activities, University registration, conducting college & university examinations, scholarship to mention a few.
The entire College Office is equipped with 08 (Eight) desktops computer with internet and LAN, two laser printers and one multifunctional copier-cum-scanner printer, one scanner, two multipurpose photocopier machines, two Dot Matrix Printers and two laser printers for administrative and finance related work.
All the workstations in the college office are managed and connected through multi- points LAN connectivity.
The College Office also has been completely linked up with the power backup facility of the college through Kirlosker Green Island Generator of 32 KVA and centralized UPS.
The office is equipped with a KENT UV water purifier to provide purified water for the staff.
The office administration and the staff strive tirelessly and sincerely to serve the interests of the colossal load of approximately 1500 students with a handful of staff with the objective of attaining a cordial atmosphere for all - the members of the college community on one hand - students, teachers, guardians, guests and on the other hand with all the other stake holders.
Classrooms and Laboratories
The college has a total of 28 classrooms and 9 laboratories – Botany, Chemistry, Commerce, Food & Nutrition, Geography (2), Physics,Psychology and Zoology.
Smart Classrooms
All the Honours subject based laboratories in the college as well as the Convention Centre have overhead projectors and are smart classrooms which are e-enabled. Not only do each of the laboratories house separate LCD projectors coupled with laptop/ desktop with internet access and are connected to the servers; in addition, each of these laboratories are equipped with ‘Interactive Smart Board’ which makes teaching and learning in the college a superior experience.
Bio sciences Instrumentation Research Laboratory
The Bio sciences Instrumentation Research Laboratory is a specialized scientific laboratory which houses sophisticated modern equipments and instruments geared towards research in applied biological sciences, microbiology and biochemistry.
Commerce Computer Laboratory
The Commerce computer laboratory is at a nascent stage of development with 2 computers. It is aimed at imparting even the undergraduate students of commerce the essentials of computer operations and enables them in the preparation and completion of their project report, which is part of their 3-year undergraduate curriculum as prescribed by the University of Calcutta.
Geographic Information System Laboratory
The Geographic Information System Laboratory is one the State of the Art GIS laboratories with a set of 10 workstations linked to the college LAN and equipped with one of the latest exploratory GIS software recommended by the University of Calcutta (affiliating University). It is geared towards training the students in analysing spatial data in a more effective way using GIS tools and instils the spirit of research in students by exposing them to the arena of exploratory spatial statistics, while at the same time opening up vistas of another career opportunity for them in GIS.
Computer Centre
The Computer Centre of the college has 10 workstations and imparts training in basic computer skills through a MOU with Rational Computers to augment computer knowledge among students, most of whom are first generation leaners.
Convention Centre - Seminar Hall
The college is proud to declare that it houses one of the best Convention Centre of its kind in the New Wing or Kshiti Bhushan Roy Burman Block named after the renowned social activist-cum-former President of the college. Regular seminars and workshops are held in this eighty-seated auditorium. It is an air-conditioned e-enabled ‘smart centre’ and has its own LCD projector cum interactive smart board which make seminars held here exquisite experiences.
Conference Room
The Conference Room of the college is specially designed to conduct the various meetings and interactions, relating to both in-house activities and inter-college and administrative meeting and consultations.
Teachers’ Room
The teachers’ room is a well-furnished and ventilated room equipped with separate lockers for teachers and a workstation with internet access. In addition, it also has a segregated mini-kitchen for providing refreshment to the faculty members and has a RO based water purifier. It has separate sanitation facilities for male and female faculty members.
Common Room
The college has separate ‘common room’ for girls and boys to enable them to refresh themselves. Besides these common rooms create an enabling environment for students to intermingle and develop their personality and broaden their horizons.
Safe Purified Drinking Water
Safe drinking water is one of the primary needs of all humans for a healthy living. The college has ensured the delivery of safe drinking water for all by installing RO based Purifiers which cater to the needs of the different members of the college community – Students, Non-teaching staff and Teachers.
In accordance with the basic guidelines provided for all educational institutions, our college too has ensured the provision of separate washrooms for male and female students as well as the male and female members of the faculty. The college ensures its hygienic maintenance for the health and safety of students and faculty.
Sick Room
The college has a separate sick room to provide immediate medical assistance to any member of the college community, especially the students in case they are in ill-health or in the event of a medical emergency. It is fortified with a comfortable bed and a well-stocked first aid medicine kit with all the essentials emergency medical care.
A shade has been erected to serve students and staff members with hygienic food and refreshments at a subsidized cost. This facility has been developed in co-operation with the local community and serves diverse meals for students and staff who come from far.
Budge Budge College is equipped with a state-of-the-art gymnasium stocked with various equipments, where the students can work out for improving their stamina and for staying fit.
The college organizes Annual Sports and comes up with highly commendable performances in many fields. It has a good tradition of performance in inter-college tournaments of football and cricket arranged by University of Calcutta and District Sports arranged by D.P.I. The shot- put, javelin and discus throwers usually come up with good performances at the University and District level and even go to the State Meet.
Power Back-up
The college has complete power backup through Kirlosker Green Island Generator of 32 KVA. This air-cooled generator provides backup in case of power interruption to each of the classroom and laboratories. Furthermore, the college has also 3 centralised UPS – one having capacity of 6 KVA and two having capacity of 2 KVA. These have been linked to all the laboratory equipment, GIS laboratory, the college server and the about 40 workstations spread through the entire college. This ensures that all practical and laboratory equipments, the server and computers can run uninterruptedly.
CCTV Surveillance
The college has one of the best surveillance systems to its credit. The entire college, each of the floors, every corner, the library and larger classrooms are covered by about 28 CCTVs. The constant monitoring method of complete surveillance not only ensures better security of students but also ensures a stricter enforcement of discipline and assists in creating a ragging-free environment.
All the workstations in the college office in different laboratories, teachers’ room, library as well as the office are managed and connected through multi- points LAN connectivity.